Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Deep Web

Fascinating! That is my description of the information from last week's class, particularly the reality of the deep web. I was in absolute awe that such a tool existed and really overwhelmed because I did not know that the deep web existed! This will be an extremely valuable asset in my research. I further believe that this class should be one that is taken early on in the program. I reflect upon the hours that I spent trying to track information, to now finding that not only was I going in circles, but that I was in the wrong circle.

I feel a bit overwhelmed by all of the tools that are available to us via technology and I look forward to learning about and utilizing these tools not only for dissertation research but along with community and church groups.


Linda said...


I was really informed by hearing about the deepweb as well. Indeed this class has introduced us to many technologies that many of us were unfamiliar with. I am excited and curious to use these technologies just for the experience. I also enjoy the fact that I can teach others a thing or two who consider themselves to be computer literate but are really not as informed as they thing they are.

The pace that we are going is a little frightening but so far so good.
Your blog is beautiful, I love the picture that you selected of yourself to share. Take care and I will blog you later:)

James said...

Hi Sheila,

Yes, the deep web is fasinating to say the least. I'm always amazed at the technologies that mankind has invented and created. With advances in technologies there also comes evil and darkness. I believe that God intended for our knowledge to be use for good, yet there are so many people using technology in evil ways. How far is technology going to go before it has gone to far? I read recently that travel agencies would soon be booking your trip/vacation to the moon or another planet out in space. I'm sure tha we are going to see much more in our life time. We may not be far from Star Trek!

Sybil said...

Hi Sheila,
The deep web is awesome! However I think we had really used a portion of it already, if the databases are a part of the deep web (I believe they are.)
I was especially intrigued by the Government databases. Although I did not have the time to do a thorough examination, it looked as if one could find anything about anybody there.
Regarding your comment about taking the class early on, I am not sure if we would have had enough background to understand the benefit that it would be for us. If you recall our class session with the Reference Librian at Bluford; I doubt any of us remember much of what she said. However, I think we will make good use of the deep web, from this semester going forward.

Chuck Williamson, Ph.D. said...


I have been working through the Deep Web since we were introduced to it in class. I have developed some really good resources that will go well with my research. The thing that I am dealing with now is putting it into a workable format so that I can document it and get to it quickly within my research. Particularly in a couple of articles I am working on now, as well as a Law Enforcement Leadership Certification Course my business partiners and myself are working on. This stuff is really blowing my mind. I am glad I decided to take this course.

Sue said...

I agree with you about the Deep Web. The resources are wonderful and they should be the first concept we are introduced to in the program. Well, I know we can not handle all the information we have received but this information will surely allow us to find the information we need. Organizing the informatin and storing it in an accessable manner for later use is important. I greatly appreciate the tips and short cuts Dr. Jost has shared. The techniques will certainly help me in my writing an research assignments. Despite my computer -internet issues this class has been very productive for me. I have learned a lot about technoloy and enjoyed the application of it.