Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Same Song Different Tune

Ancient futures depicts the lives of the inhabitants of Ladakh, prior to its Westernization, then dramatically reports the impact on this community and its people. The eradication of the Ladakhian communities swelled as many citizens sought to emulate the Western Culture. Strikingly similar are events in the lives of many African Americans as they viewed integration and urban renewal from the lenses reflecting a better life, while also seeking to live up to the white image. Both communities were led down a blind path of destruction and destroyed under the guise progress.

My discussions and reflections on the similarities between the Ladakhian and the African American communities resonated during the presentation by Ms. Monica Walker. Many of the points noted in this presentation were discussed in our previous classes, but were elaborated upon, within the framework of race, poverty and power. In addition to noting these similarities, being able expound upon them based on current research will be a valuable tool in advocating for children and families.

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