Monday, June 23, 2008

Engagement and Proficiency

Technological Determinism- This term refers to the notion that technology acts as an independent force in the lives of humans and we are often held hostage by the technology and are controlled by the technology, thus becoming servant to the technology. Initially, man's belief is that he is in control of the technology and later the table turns in such a manner that we are tied to the technology, while this technology also dictates human behavior and alters the way we perceive the world. I ponder the following questions about two very popular modes of technology:
How did I ever function without cell phones?
Is my battery charged?
Am I pressed to read three hundred emails?
What happens when I do not read our emails?
Do we find ourselves wired twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week?
Personally, I find myself excited and empowered by many of the technological advances, particularly, the cell phone. Yet, more often than not, I long for the quietness.

Neutrality of Technology determines how we decide to use the technology. Any form of technology may have a positive or negative impact depending on how it is utilized and by whom. Camera phones are great, especially when doing candid shots, when another type camera is not available. Conversely, camera phones have been utilized to spy of individuals in public restrooms.

Technological Optimism is present when we only imagine what good technology produces without considering the Unintended Consequences that occur when we have not planned for or imagined could occur. One of the most disturbing consequences involves the use of the Internet to exploit children via pornography. "Techie" or technophiles embrace this view.

Amplification-reduction defines the give and take of the technology being used. With all we gain from utilization of computers, one impact of computers pertains to the physical ailments relative to sight, muscle soreness or joint injury from prolonged use of computers, improper lighting, poor seating or repetitive motions.

Additional evidence of these terms are found within blog postings.

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