Monday, June 23, 2008

Engagement and Proficiency

Technological Determinism- This term refers to the notion that technology acts as an independent force in the lives of humans and we are often held hostage by the technology and are controlled by the technology, thus becoming servant to the technology. Initially, man's belief is that he is in control of the technology and later the table turns in such a manner that we are tied to the technology, while this technology also dictates human behavior and alters the way we perceive the world. I ponder the following questions about two very popular modes of technology:
How did I ever function without cell phones?
Is my battery charged?
Am I pressed to read three hundred emails?
What happens when I do not read our emails?
Do we find ourselves wired twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week?
Personally, I find myself excited and empowered by many of the technological advances, particularly, the cell phone. Yet, more often than not, I long for the quietness.

Neutrality of Technology determines how we decide to use the technology. Any form of technology may have a positive or negative impact depending on how it is utilized and by whom. Camera phones are great, especially when doing candid shots, when another type camera is not available. Conversely, camera phones have been utilized to spy of individuals in public restrooms.

Technological Optimism is present when we only imagine what good technology produces without considering the Unintended Consequences that occur when we have not planned for or imagined could occur. One of the most disturbing consequences involves the use of the Internet to exploit children via pornography. "Techie" or technophiles embrace this view.

Amplification-reduction defines the give and take of the technology being used. With all we gain from utilization of computers, one impact of computers pertains to the physical ailments relative to sight, muscle soreness or joint injury from prolonged use of computers, improper lighting, poor seating or repetitive motions.

Additional evidence of these terms are found within blog postings.

Collaboration/Communication Tool

The use of Skype would be economically feasible for a business in communicating with employees at different geographical sites. With rising gas prices, I believe that this technology is sure to be utilized more than previously. Communications via telephone with individuals from around the world, which were prohibitive or limited due to cost, are benefiical to many families, as well as to businesses conducting global affairs.

In addition to allowing the capacity to access other presentations and slideshows, Slideshare enables you to host and share your presentations with other audiences. Presentations may be located at the slideshare URL or embedded into a website. Slideshare has recently gained the ability to synchronize and MP3 Player audio file (podcast) with the slideset. This process is called slidecasting. The sue of this technology provides opportunities for global exchange of information and ideas to enhance and facilitate planning and decision making.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Same Song Different Tune

Ancient futures depicts the lives of the inhabitants of Ladakh, prior to its Westernization, then dramatically reports the impact on this community and its people. The eradication of the Ladakhian communities swelled as many citizens sought to emulate the Western Culture. Strikingly similar are events in the lives of many African Americans as they viewed integration and urban renewal from the lenses reflecting a better life, while also seeking to live up to the white image. Both communities were led down a blind path of destruction and destroyed under the guise progress.

My discussions and reflections on the similarities between the Ladakhian and the African American communities resonated during the presentation by Ms. Monica Walker. Many of the points noted in this presentation were discussed in our previous classes, but were elaborated upon, within the framework of race, poverty and power. In addition to noting these similarities, being able expound upon them based on current research will be a valuable tool in advocating for children and families.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

No "I" In Team

I believe that we are the compilation of our experiences, whether singularly or collectively; whether positive or negative. Working with the blog in 820 has assisted tremendously in my moving away from self, away from the drain of always being busy, and reflecting on present occurrences and past ones as well. I realized even more, when working with my blog, that I have never been this reflective and I am discovering new "isms" about myself each day. I am now learning to be still and to allow time for more of my "Mary" to emege and to encourage "Martha" to take a rest! With this increased time for Mary, Martha is getting so much more accomplished!

My experience with my computer (blog entry 3) was a concrete experience that heightened my appreciation for the importance of teamwork in solving my technology issue. My past principal ended every correspondence with the phrase, Together Everyone Achieves More.

I continue to challenge each of us, my colleagues, to move to a great level of appreciation for one another, as we matriculate towards our terminal degree. Together, everyone does achieve more, and indeed, there is no I in TEAM. My thanks and love to each of you and I am glad that we are a TEAM.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Friend or Foe: Help Solve The Mystery

Unfortunately, I spent the last week trying to figure out why my text was showing up in Hindi. I tried everything that I knew to try and still the text continued to appear in Hindi. Dr. Jost looked at my site in class and she could not figure out the issue. I started a process of elimination by going to every window under the blog and at last, I came upon an area about using translations. Well, I had inadvertently touched that translation button and upon undoing this button, I was back in English! Felt mighty proud of myself, but started to wonder, "How much do I need to know about, not just program applications, but the computer hardware?" I had asked myself this question as I again thought about all of the time spent on hardware and program application issues and not on conducting my research. I was exhausted!

To exhaberate my frustrations, a computer message continued to state that I was low on memory each time I booted up. I just clicked OK and continued, but in the meantime, my computer is getting more and more sluggish! I screamed to myself, "This cannot be happening, I have too much work to do!" I decided to call my friend Rocky*. Rocky had often mentioned the assistance she received from her mother, the computer genius, in assisting her with trouble shooting her computer. Rocky's mother is the most unlikely person in the world that one would select and dub them a computer genius. Trust and believe me when I say that Rocky's mom (Ms. Annie*) is a computer genius. Ms. Annie knows about computer hardware in and out, subscribes to all of these technical magazines and I am sure has the capacity to build a computer! The irony concerning Ms. Annie is that she is still trying to figure out how to use her email! This fact brings her great laughter and delight! Ms. Annie emphatically states that she does not want to do anything with any applications until she learns about the machine! (Meanwhile, she preparing to open a store on Ebay!)

Mother and daughter arrive at my home for the rescue. As best I can articulate, with limited knowledge of hardware, this amazing lady (60ish) started to clean up my computer and as she worked, she laughed and nibbled on salsa and chips and would say in amazement, "Lord have mercy," over and over again, as her laughter gave way to wrinkled brow!

Bottom line, my computer did not have a D drive. Wait! The D drive was there, but it was in the place where my CDs are loaded. This is why I continued to get error messages. When reporting the error messages to Microsoft, message delivery failed because my computer was not being recognized and I was not receiving updates! I had no security wall! Mind you, I have been working on the Internet, in the deep web, created my blog and doing all that I needed to do! How could this be possible?

What is the mystery? Tell me what the answer to the mystery is and I will do a really special snack for next week!

When I discovered what was happening and the full details, I knew that the problem would have never been detected unless someone with hardware savvy had not continued to look deeper into my system! I almost fainted when Ms. Annie said, "Ms. Robinson, it is a wonder that you did not crash and you are one lucky woman"!

I shook my head and said, "Oh no Ms. Annie, that's called God's Favor!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Deep Web

Fascinating! That is my description of the information from last week's class, particularly the reality of the deep web. I was in absolute awe that such a tool existed and really overwhelmed because I did not know that the deep web existed! This will be an extremely valuable asset in my research. I further believe that this class should be one that is taken early on in the program. I reflect upon the hours that I spent trying to track information, to now finding that not only was I going in circles, but that I was in the wrong circle.

I feel a bit overwhelmed by all of the tools that are available to us via technology and I look forward to learning about and utilizing these tools not only for dissertation research but along with community and church groups.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Where Do The Children Play?

After viewing this documentary, my belief in the value of play for children came to mind. As a child development specialist, I have studied and conducted experiments with play relative to maximizing children's holistic development. Play has been defined as children's work and has historically been validated as the most powerful tool in the social, physical, emotional, and cognitive development of young children and as the central vehicle in providing exemplary early childhood programs. The National Association for The Education of Young Children's Position Statement, edited by Sue Bredecamp in1987, reiterated this view in describing developmentally appropriate practices for children 0-8. Whether constructive, exploratory, or dramatic in nature, play experiences are key for young children in developing skills and dispositions for emerging cognitive skills, social competence, and valuing of creativity.

With the continued explosion of test mania, teacher accountability, and initiatives such as No Child Left Behind legislation, play is an endangered species or is extinct from early childhood programs. Despite the validation of the value of play in children's development, I do not believe that public schools fully embraced this theory as a powerful instructional strategy.

In North Carolina, the inception of full day kindergarten programs in the early 70's saw classroom environments filled with blocks, dramatic play areas, learning centers, water play, painting, messy areas, music, art, and the sounds of children working. Slowly, the pressure to eliminate these types of environments that facilitated young children's learning through play (which were viewed as a waste of time by many) and to concentrate more on academic skills in the classroom via worksheets, abstract instructional strategies, television and computers instruction, play became more devalued.

Disdain for play found its way even to America's school playgrounds. Denying children recess or physical education has become a tool of discipline for children not completing classwork or for children misbehaving. Paradoxically, these children, as do all children, need outside physical activity each day. Physical education in the schools has been the only means for play, outside activities or exercise, particularly for children living in unsafe neighborhoods. The dramatic rise in childhood obesity, I believe is a direct correlate to this issue.

I view the the valuing of play for children in much the same manner that I view time for reflection in the lives of adults. We do not have time for children to play because their is so much to get them "ready for" or parent's schedules are move complicated to negotiate and and with adults, we do not have or take quiet time or time for reflection because there is "so much to do". In children, play facilitates creativity and with adults, quiet and reflection time also yields creativity, as well as productivity.

Let the children play and to my colleagues, take time for reflection!